If you’re more of a strummer than a shredder, you’re in the right place. Read about your favourite acoustic brands, building techniques and the latest acoustic guitar trends!
If you're a guitarist yet to own a looper pedal, you're missing out on some great opportunities to get more from your playing and even your guitar sound. Let's find out why...
Impulse responses, cab sims, algorithmic reverb - and how it all works for you!
The likes of Japan, USA, China, Korea and Indonesia go head-to-head for the title of best guitar manufacturing country in the world.
Have Boss combined the perfect set of guitar amp features with the best price tag?
Is your family your biggest musical influence?
Playing live shows is a great experience, not only because of the rush you get performing in front of a crowd, but because you learn to overcome different technical roadblocks.
Outdoor gigs are some of the most difficult to master. Here’s what you should expect when you take to the open-air stage…
How to make the most of out of your guitar when you're at home!
An in-depth look at the best guitar recording methods...and gear!