From FM to Subtractive, Hints, Tips to Sound Design, we’ve got all your Synth trends & info right here.
Sampling is a term that's become synonymous with both music production & hip-hop especially. But what is it? And how can you start to harness this highly creative technique within your own music?
What's a modular synth and how does it actually work? Let's take a closer look at the vast and unique world of modular synthesis!
An inclusive guide to choosing the best guitar pedals for your synth. From reverb to chorus, we cover everything you need to know!
When it comes to synths, the name Behringer isn't far behind. But why have they been so widely adopted?
We compare the pros and cons of good old hardware synths vs. their on-screen descendants!
Do you know your pulse width from your polyphony? Check out our synth glossary!
We explore the pros and cons of two popular synth categories - which suits you?
We put 2 of Behringers most popular synths to the test - which will come out on top?